Categories Rug Re-Sizing

How to Resize Your Rug?


Any Type Of Rug Reducing & Resizing Service

We are no strangers to cutting a rug over here. While we never relish chopping up a handmade masterpiece. Pride Carpet Cleaning Company that sometimes our customers have no other choice. Size constraints, floor electrical outlets. And areas of damage needing removal. Are just some of the reasons customers have utilized our Rug Re-Size Services. As always, we will discuss your rug’s value with you before making any cuts so that you can determine if this is a course of action you want to take.


Any Type Of Rug Re-Sizing Services

Rug Resizing:

It is always best to measure your room before you purchase a rug. So the rug you are buying fits the space for which it was intended. That being said. However, we understand that sometimes just as you downsize your life. You must also reduce your rug so it may fit in a new space. Resizing may be as simple as rug cutting and binding. It may be as complicated as removing a central portion of the rug and reattaching the remaining pieces while keeping the borders intact. The process of resizing an Oriental rug – ( Oriental Rug Re-Sizing ) begins with determining what size of rug you need.
Next, we go over the various options that will result in your needed size while preserving as much of your rug as possible. Next, we cut the rug, doing our best to save any scraps. That could be salvaged into smaller scatter rugs or runners for you. Finally, we secure the rug using either glue, stitching, binding, or fringing to ensure that your rug is not susceptible to fraying, no matter the type of cut. We will also do the same for any resulting rug pieces if you so choose. Rug Re-Size Services jobs are priced by job and may include binding and fringing per linear foot.

Rug Cutouts:

If you do not wish to cover oddly placed vents or electrical outlets on your floor. We are happy to cut access holes in your Persian rug – ( Persian Rug Repair ) to preserve your room’s functionality. We have even cut rug corners or portions of borders out of a rug to account for a protruding hearth or radiator.

Our process is as follows:

We work with you very closely to determine the exact location and size of the cutout.
The cut is made, and the portion of the rug stain is removed.
The rug is bound by hand to prevent unraveling.
Removed rug pieces are provided to you for future use. (If you want to use this rug in a different room at some point, we will be able to sew the rug back together, so it is whole again.)