
Tips from an Area Rug Cleaning Company in Palm Beach

Area Rug Stain Removal:

You’ve probably seen commercials before with people spilling red wine all over their mattress or Area Rug Cleaning Service. Red wine can quickly permeate the Area rug fibers, which means time is a critical factor in avoiding a permanent stain. Spills happen, so it’s essential to be prepared. Here are some tips from our Area Rug Cleaning Service Company in Palm Beach, OR, to help you effectively remove red wine stains from an Area rug.

Absorb the wine as much as probable:

Before you begin applying any cleaners or liquids to the area, your primary step should be to blot up the wine as thoroughly as feasible. Use a paper towel and lightly blot the spot. Do not rub or drive the stain into the Area rug—this will make the stain set faster and potentially cause irreversible damage to the fabric. Instead, focus on getting the excess liquid out of the way so your area rug cleaning solution of choice can adequately do its job.

Neutralize the stain:

Use either club soda or white wine and pour it on top of the spill or stain. White wine neutralizes the red wine, preventing it from soaking further into the Area rug. Club soda does the same if you do not have any white wine on hand. It can help to practice stain removal on a little, hidden area of the Area rug to ensure you know exactly what you’re doing when pressed for time in a Wine Stain Removal situation.


Soak up the Area :

After the white wine or club soda has effectively neutralized the spilled red wine, you can blot it up (again, just blot—don’t press or wipe) using a clean paper towel. Consume as much liquid as you can with the paper towel before proceeding to the next step.

Apply your cleaning solution to the area:

1. Create a mixture of a teaspoon of Area rug shampoo with a cup of hydrogen peroxide.
2. Drop a sponge into the mix, and blot at the spotted area as you previously did with your paper towel.
3. Blot with the rug stain removal mixture around the area till the spot has been removed.
4. Again, avoid pressing or rubbing the spot, so you do not inadvertently push the stain farther into the fibers of the Area rug.

Dry up the Area:

Once you have removed the stain, continue to blot the area with a clean paper towel until you have entirely removed the liquid. Let the area dry, and it should be stain-free. Once the site is arid, use a vacuum to run over the place and reset the Area rug pile.
This is the best way to use it if you have a sudden red wine spill at home. But if you’d rather not clean up the spill yourself, or if you have a stain that proves incredibly stubborn and reluctant to leave, you might require additional help. In that case, seek Area rug cleaning services in Palm Beach, OR from Pride Carpet Cleaning. We have completed two decades of experience and look forward to serving you.